Thursday, August 6, 2009

More evidence of well dressed canines!

Dog Day on the Green!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We had a long day at Dog day on the Green. Mostly fun. Lots of dogs, lots of great people. Here's the newly crowned "best dressed Great Dane in Illinois" More pix coming soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


We are headed to Chicago tomorrow to the Soldier Field green for the first annual DOG DAY ON THE GREEN!!!!!
Watch out Chicago, here comes Corgimo Collars!
We hope to outfit a plethora of pooch families, and have a blast watching all of the cool activities that they have going on: flyball, doga and a doggy fashion show!!!!

Come check us out from 10-5 if you are in the area...bring your pooch!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

New Fabrics!! The Corgimo, and other cool stuff

The Corgimo says hi! Charlie our mascot hamming it up. This is the first day we brought him home from the shelter!!

We have been so ridiculously busy the last few weeks with four huge shows coming up in the next few months...!!!!!! We are getting ready to head to Chicago next week for Dog Day on The Green!! Saturday August 2nd, from 10-5 we will have a vendor booth on the Soldier Field Green. It should be a total blast and we hope to outfit the urban hounds of Chicago with some amazing fashions!! Here are just two of some of the luscious new fabrics we have........


A little obedience goes a long way.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We've been busy

Been busy doing things not related to the internets. Gardening, collar making, collar testing, dog training, and trying to beat the heat. Here's Lucy and Norman going for a morning swim.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

PugFest...the aftermath

We had a great time, met lots of cute pugs and even sold a few collars and harnesses. It's always super rewarding to meet the people using our stuff, and talk to them about it. Here's a rather bashful model.